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Seniors' news: Have you got your Easter bonnets ready?

So April Fool’s Day has passed and even the Brits were agonized with the news of the postponement of the royal wedding, along with a few other weird stories. But everybody got back to normal and realized they’d just been taken in. Now spring is here, at last the date has come and gone, but if you lived in Calgary this weekend you’d have your doubts.

The Flower Show in Bradner is coming up this April 8, 9 and 10 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the Art Club members who meet at the Aldergrove OAP Hall will be showing and selling beautiful paintings at this great spring event at Bradner Hall. Make a point of visiting is and enjoy all the beautiful flowers as well as a wonderful lunch.

Carpet bowling at the OAP lacked its zip and loud noise since only one carpet was in play and only two players teamed up. We’ll have to do better in order to keep it alive.

There’s old time dancing on Saturday afternoons at the OAP Hall and from all reports it was well attended; as many as 80 dancers at the first event.

Cribbage on Monday afternoon is a new program and has gone over well so far and those learning have become quite proficient. The raisin bread we have at lunch break is oh, so good.

The general meeting of the OAP was held last Friday, always the first Friday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Hank, Don and Dave were congratulated on doing a nice job of covering the bench along the wall with new material. It looks great.

Last Sunday the pot luck dinner at 5 p.m. was popular with around 30 attending. Card bingo was enjoyed after dinner. I find it quite surprising who wins and continues to be lucky. Not me!

Now off to the Veterans and Seniors to see what’s going on down there. Good noon dinners with varied menus are worth looking into. You stay-at-home seniors come and join us; we’re a social crowd.

The summer sale is coming up so bring your items in early so as to give the workers plenty of time for setting up. Easter is not too far away and after the general meeting on April 18 we’re having an Easter hat parade.

There’s been a bit of lack in attendance for games, both at the OAP Hall and the Veterans and Seniors. Perhaps its spring fever, but I’m sure it will pick up, as it always does.

There are some members on the sick list and for all those we wish a speedy recovery. You are in our thoughts and we wish you all the best.

Here’s a bit of a chuckle. An elderly widow and widower have been dating for about five years and when he finally asks her to marry him, she immediately says “yes.”

The next morning he can’t remember her response to his marriage proposal, so he gives her a call. Embarrassed, he admits he can’t remember her response to his proposal.

“Oh good,” she says, “I’m so glad you called. I’ve just been lying here remembering I said ‘yes’ to someone but couldn’t remember who it was.”