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Election 2014: Suzanne Perreault answers questions

School District 35: Perreault, Suzanne - trustee candidate: The Times' questions answered.
Suzanne Pereault has announced she will run for a seat as a Township representative on the Langley board of education.

1. What is the most important issue facing the Board of Education, and how would you propose to deal with it?

The Long Term Facilities Plan (LTFP) is a significant focus for the board and leadership team as a whole that has shown itself to be a primary focus. However, I have seen the current board effectively move towards a focus on this plan which will need to have a continuum as the new board assembles. Continual consultation with the community at large alongside the leadership team will keep this important issue on the table moving towards success and completion.

However, my thoughts also run to Emergency Preparedness wanting to ensure we are evaluating and equipping all of our schools to be ready for the `when` appropriately with definite measurements in place to quantify that standards are met.

2. Should the school district sell surplus school sites to help fund capital projects in Willoughby?

This is an important question to ask and really calls for the collective teams to come together to investigate the benefit and losses of a decision like this. There is no clear, easy answer to this without dialogue and investigation. It is not one to take lightly nor to make hasty decisions on. However, at the end of it all, it needs to point to what is in the best interest of the children and therefor the community that surrounds sites of concern.

3. - Is there enough timely communication between the board and the two local governments regarding development and its impact on school population?

Communication has been ongoing; is the question about timing or about content and resolution of the discussions? After experiencing the impact of growth in the slope, for example, my sense is that a sharper, more defined focus on the “how to’s” need to transpire with checks and balances to ensure accountability across the board are in place to safeguard we don’t duplicate the same scenario again.

4. - What is the best way to deal with class size and composition issues, so that all students get the maximum attention from teachers?

The best way to deal with class size and composition is keeping the “language” clear in agreements, that all can rest on with integrity, so that all staff can focus on students. This is imperative. We need to ensure that everyone is standing in agreement on what is expected, why and how this expectation looks and follow through. This will permit a focus on the primary goal of teaching our children to be thoughtful citizens who will grow up to be men and women, mothers and fathers leading our community in a classroom environment that benefits the whole without segregating the few.