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'Bathe in your fish pond' to save water

Condo and townhouse dwellers can “do their share by showering or bathing only twice a week?"


Is Joe Schiller actually being serious?

Condo and townhouse dwellers can “do their share by showering or bathing only twice a week, only [run] the dishwasher and laundry once a week and minimize toilet flushing.”

Seriously? Give your head a shake, Mr. Schiller.

And to your comment that “all you’ve seen so far are restrictions against homeowners (aka taxpayers)” — guess what — we who own condos and townhouses are taxpaying “homeowners” too.

Some of us even have lawns that we can’t water and vehicles we can’t wash.

Maybe you should bathe in your fish pond when you refill it, to keep up on your personal hygiene, while us stinky condo and townhouse dwellers try to avoid social contact for fear of offending you ‘single family dwellers’.

Shelly Kucher, Aldergrove