Inclusion Langley's Winter Wonderland returns to celebrate the culmination of the group's annual toy and gift drive.
The public can stop by the group's main location, 23535 44 Ave., between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 5
"We are ramping up for our annual toy drive," said Shirley Yamashita, Inclusion Langley coordinator of children's respite and volunteer network.
The public is invited to the eighth annual Toy Drive Winter Wonderland with a festival of lights, decorations, and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. There's also treats, hot chocolate, and holiday music.
"All toys collect over our campaign this month and on Dec. 5 between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. will be delivered to the Langley Christmas Bureau," she explained.
The public can stop by with a new unwrapped toy, a gift for teens, or gift cards, and they be entered into a raffle draw. Santa's helpers will be on site to receive donations. The event has, in the past, had help from local sports teams and others in the community, in addition to Inclusion Langley staff and clients.
Inclusion Langley's unique toy drive has the group collecting items over several weeks. Between Nov. 4 and 8, for instance, the donation request was for books, craft supplies, and puzzles. Between Nov. 12 and 15, the drive was looking for dolls and action figures. Planes, trains, and automobiles are the theme for Nov. 18 to 22. From Nov. 25 to 29, Inclusion is welcoming donations of sports equipment, gift cards, games, and makeup.
The Toy Tower of donations is set up at the main office, 23535 44 Ave. It is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. For more information, call 604-534-8611.