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RMEMBRANCE: A poem from Nov. 11, 1932

"May their sacrifice be not in vain. Nor battles rage on earth again"

This poem was published on the front page of the Langley Advance newspaper on Thursday, Nov. 10, 1932. Langley Prairie is now known as Langley City after it became its own municipality in 1955.

Lest we forget, as the years go by,
Those glorious dead, neath a foreign sky,
May their sacrifice be not in vain
Nor battles rage on earth again.
O'erhead the feet of those bereft,
Tread softly o'er the hallowed earth,
Tho Nations mourn and Mothers weep,
Beneath the Crosses how still they sleep.

Remembrance Day – keep sacred thoughts
Of those who died, our freedom sought,
Their laurels won, their names are blest,
How well they earned their mortal rest.
While o'er their graves the lillies bloom
And poppies still, their vigil keep,

Tho Nations mourn and Mothers weep,
Beneath the Crosses they still shall sleep
 – A.C.J., Langley Prairie, B.C.