Word spread rapidly once the new Glover Road overpass was quietly opened across Highway #1 on May 24.
There was no formal ceremony, but by Wednesday, May 29, a post on the Langley Live Facebook page about the opening had drawn more than 64,000 views and dozens of comments.
Posted observations ranged from relief that the direct connection to Fort Langley had been restored after more than a year of construction work, to complaints the new overpass only has two lanes, and predictions there will still be overpass strikes even though the new structure is considerably higher than the often-hit span it replaced.
In response to a query from the Langley Advance Times, a statement from the Ministry of Transportation advised the structure was not built to carry additional lanes of vehicle traffic in the future.
“The two travel lanes on the crossing tie into the existing two-lane configuration of Glover Road on either side of the structure,” the statement said.
It added the new Glover Road crossing was built to accommodate new HOV lanes under construction in each direction along Highway 1, and allows space for additional widening of the the Trans-Canada Highway in the future.
READ ALSO: Langley Hwy. 1 overpass hit twice in less than 24 hours
The overpass opening was briefly mentioned during a Langley press conference the day before, one that was mostly devoted to provincial plans to widen Highway 1 in the Fraser Valley starting this summer.
Part of the government press release noted work on the new Glover Road crossing was “almost completed,” describing it as another important part of the 216th-264th portion of the highway improvements.
Megan Dykeman, MLA for Langley East, said it was “fantastic to see the new Glover Road crossing reopening. It is so important for people who live and work in our community, making it easier and faster for area residents to get around. Thank you to everyone for their patience while this new and much-improved crossing was built and thank you to all who worked as quickly as possible to complete this much-needed project for our community.”
READ ALSO: Old Glover Road overpass demolished in Langley
Demolished at the end of March of last year, the old overpass, built in the 1960s, stood 4.3 metres, nearly a full metre below modern design standards. Truck drivers who failed to check their clearances in advance repeatedly smashed into the structure, usually heading east, causing partial closures.
Costing $19.5 million, the new Glover Road crossing has a 5.2-metre height clearance, and multi-use pathways on either side, each three meters wide, an upgrade for cyclists and pedestrians over the old overpass, that had a single sidewalk on its east side, and no shoulders or bike lanes for cyclists.