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Election 2014: Kerri Ross one of two live Langley candidates for Township council

Township of Langley: Ross, Kerri - council candidate: She is one of two Live Langley candidates for Township council.
Kerri Ross is running for Langley Township council with the Live Langley group.

Two Live Langley candidates are running for Township of Langley council seats.

Clint Lee and Kerri Ross are the president and vice-president of Live Langley.

The group describes itself as a "grassroots party founded on the basic principles of openness, accountability, and sustainability."

While running on independent platforms, Lee and Ross said they share a mutual desire to create a truly livable and successful community for each and every citizen.

“It is time for a change on Township council,” says Lee. “It is time to have councillors who are ready to consider all citizens of Langley. We need councillors who proactively approach sustainable development based on a comprehensive, well researched, and premeditated strategy of what is best for all of Langley.”

“This election is the tipping point for how the transformation of the Township of Langley evolves,” says Ross. “I am ready to be the voice of the average citizen and protect our community from decisions based on whims or dollar signs. We are committed to representing the citizens Township of Langley with integrity, transparency, and accountability.”

Ross, her husband Jason, and sons Nathan (age 7) and Noah (age 5) have lived in Willoughby for seven years.

Ross has a planning and resource management background.