Watchers of Langley Forests (WOLF) is resuming organized tours of McLellan Park East forest in Glen Valley.
The tours will run every Saturday and Sunday, at 2 p.m., beginning this weekend, Oct. 20 and 21.
Participants are invited to gather at trail head on 257A street for a tour of the forest which Prof. David Jordan of Trinity Western called "regional ecological significance."
This forest is a 25 acre parcel which the Township currently has listed for sale.
It is a mixed coniferous/deciduous forest with different types of habitat. There is extensive vegetation on the forest floor, various tree types and more than 100 species of birds and animals have been observed by naturalists.
Some of the trees may be as old as 240 years. One area may have been marsh/bog in the 19th century and very likely has never been logged.
Another area contains some stumps with evidence of pioneer logging. The thick vegetation makes this forest appear larger than its 25 acres.
WOLF is a group of Langley residents who have come together to support conserving this forest. This tour is part of their public awareness campaign.
No appointment is necessary but an email to letting WOLF know you are coming would be appreciated. Address it to Kirk Robertson's attention.
Walkers are urged to wear good hiking boots and expect moderate exercise.
Directions: If coming from Fort Langley follow River Road east, make a right at 256 Street, then turn left onto 84 Avenue; 257 Street is on the left hand side.
If approaching from Aldergrove, go north on 264 Street, turn left onto 84 Ave and watch for 257 Street on the right.