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Environmental reviews ‘weakened’

Langley MP's role in chairing the recent hasty and incomplete review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.


Langley citizens need to know about their MP's role in chairing the recent hasty and incomplete review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

The parliamentary committee that Mark Warawa chaired made 20 recommendations, preparing the way for the Minister of Finance's budget announcement that environmental reviews will be speeded up, and many believe they will be weakened. Meanwhile changes that would remove habitat protection from the Fisheries Act are also being considered. Taken together these two actions constitute a huge threat to our environment.

In the north, Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline will have environmental obstacles to approval removed while here in Langley developers won't have to worry anymore about those pesky little fish bearing streams.

Mr. Warawa's constituents should be appalled.

Peter Thomson, Langley