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LETTER: Debunking CO2 myths from previous letter writer

Reader calls for end to ‘absurd’ claims

Dear Editor,

Scientific evidence for global warming is available through several sources.

Anyone interested should google NASA, NOAA and the GISS. It is not a theory as suggested in previous letters.

LETTER: Langley letter writer argues that CO2 is not the eco-enemy

The sampling of ice cores by the NOAA (National Oceanic and atmospheric Administration) in the Vostok and Mauna Loa, Greenland, Antarctica and glaciers around the globe, and its analysis by the National Science Foundation Ice Core facility show clearly (with actual numbers from this research) that CO2 levels for the past 800,000 years never exceeded more than 300 parts per million.

This data is supported by similar findings in sedimentary rock, ocean sediments and coral reefs. In 1950 we broke through that upper recorded limit and have surpassed 400 ppm and it is still going up.

There is no doubt the levels of CO2 have increased since that date. This is not opinion it is fact, supported by data.

Look at NASA’s website.

RELATED: High CO2 levels bring unwelcome consequences, Langley letter write stresses

The heat trapping nature of CO2 was demonstrated in the mid 19th century.

Not opinion this is also a fact.

Paleoclimate evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice age recovery warming.

(It does not suggest, it reveals) the planets surface temperature has risen 1.62 degrees since the 19th century, with most of the warming occurring in the last 35 years.

The oceans have absorbed much of the heat in the top 700 meters of ocean showing warming of more than 0.4 degrees since 1969.

To debunk the falsehoods, NASA has shown that the Greenland and Antarctic ice have decreased in mass.

Greenland has lost 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016 while the Antarctic lost 127 billion tons per year over the same period. The rate of loss has tripled in the last decade.

These affects are cumulative.

Both NASA and the NOAA cite glacial retreat all around the world including the Himalayas, Rockies, Alps, and Alaska.

They show data that supports an eight-inch rise in the levels during the last century and it is accelerating.

Ocean acidification is increasing as the oceans absorb more CO2 at the rate of two billion tons per year.

These are not my opinions, but are based on scientific research and observations.

Denial of the facts, given the nature of the problem, displays an inability to discern truth from fiction.

Climate deniers need to provide scientific evidence based on independent research, peer reviewed or they are just espousing opinion, which can be completely inaccurate and dangerous, as the problem is only going to worsen (don’t forget people thought the world flat, until science proved otherwise, a belief held for a thousand years).

Previous letters provide many statements, which have no reference source and are inaccurate and have been debunked.

For example; the Oregon Petition and Wall Street Journal 16 which are deniers’ main source of material have been shown to be composed of no climate experts.

That we continue to publish opinions, which have been proven false by science, is absurd.

John Bookless, Langley



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