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Make a change for a better future world

I invite the citizens of Langley to join me in making the following requests of them


Men such as Mr Richard Kinder, Mr. William Morgan, Mr Ian Anderson and Mr. Greg Toth (who recently spoke to the Langley Chamber of Commerce concerning the twinning of the Kinder Morgan pipeline through the Fraser Valley) are clearly intelligent and passionate people. They are also in positions of significant power and influence.

Therefore, I invite  the citizens of Langley to join me in making the following requests of them:

1. to be mindful of the mounting scientific evidence of global climate change, and how these changes are accelerated by the combustion of fossil fuels and the collateral damage caused by extracting and transporting fossil fuels.

2. to divest funds currently invested in the fossil fuel industry and lead the way towards its down-sizing and ultimate discontinuance over the next 20 years.

3. to re-direct resources and influence towards the proliferation of energy production that is environmentally sustainable and socially just, as well as financially profitable.

Susan Davidson, Aldergrove