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Neighbours not surprised at 236 St. bust

There have been many problem with residence, but Langley Township has ignored most of them.

Editor: “856 gang members arrested at huge home in Langley,” (The Times, July 31).

Finally, something has happened to bring the police to that “huge” house on 236 Street.

For years, we neighbours have had to put up with garbage on the property, eight to 10 cars parked on the road, and dirt, dirt and more dirt covering our roads from the endless truck loads of dirt the property owner has brought in. Don’t you need a permit to bring truckloads of fill in? Isn’t there a limit to what you can bring in?

It is a complete disgrace to the neighbourhood.  This house is not conforming to anything around here.

According to the police, there are six suites in this “single family” house.

Now will the Township wake up and come back and re-inspect this monster house, and confirm that over 20 people live in this house?

Why? Was a permit issued to a single family for a 13,000-plus square foot home with 13 “storage” rooms?

Why  was this owner allowed to fill in the ditches so the road gets covered with water?

Why was this owner allowed to clearcut five acres and destroy dozens of beautiful trees, exposing this eyesore of a property to all the neighbours? Not a  single tree has been in their place?

Why has this owner been allowed to drag out the building of this home for years, and never finish the landscaping?

Rumour has it he is planning the largest, most unsightly black iron fence — “just to annoy my neighbours,” he has been heard to say.

And now we find out they have a drug lab operating over there? The owner is clearly claiming ignorance that he didn’t know.

Aren’t landlords now responsible for tenants?  Shouldn’t this owner be accountable for activities that go on in his own house?

Is he even here? He spends six months a year in India.

The City of Langley and Langley Township are “cracking down” on illegal suites? Really? Well, I think it’s time they stopped harassing homeowners in Willoughby and start looking at these mansions getting built on acreage, because clearly with illegal suites comes illegal activity.

I am one of  many upset neighhours on 236 Street.

Name Withheld,
