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Not so sunny view

Diana Van Tiel (Star letters, March 15) obviously subscribes to the three monkeys' "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" theory


Little Miss Sunshine, Diana Van Tiel (Star letters, March 15) obviously subscribes to the three monkeys' "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" theory but for those of us that inhabit a somewhat imperfect world, our letters to the editors try to point out some of our local imperfections.

Such things as onerous property tax increases that cause hardship for many residents, ridiculous traffic intersection changes like 56 Avenue at Langley Bypass and an ever-encroaching urban blight that is eating away at what little farmland we have left.

Not to overlook local council's outrageous pay increases in spite of the economic downturn worldwide.

Yes, Ms Van Tiel, there is a sunny side out there but it is somewhat obscured by issues that really do matter to most of our fellow Langley residents.

Win Bromley, Langley Township