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Opinions are stifled

The public can't clap, can't laugh, can't cheer, according to a motion introduced by Councillor Fox and lauded by Councillor Bateman.


The public can't clap, can't laugh, can't cheer, according to a motion introduced by Councillor Fox and lauded by Councillor Bateman. Somehow the above-noted activity, practiced by members of the public in the hallowed Township council chambers, offends them. Of course they imply that it's all Mayor Green's fault. I'm sure if Coun. Fox convinces Mayor Green to abdicate his consistent support of his constituents, as you have, the problem would quickly resolve.

Why not go all the way? Add to your motion and suspend the right to a secret ballot  and freedom of assembly. That will make it  alot easier for your confederate councillors and yourself to do as you please as you do now, and not have the inconvenience of public involvement.

We'll call it the CF program.

Robert  Moats, Langley