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Park going to the dogs

The parks department has installed a drinking facility for pets in the Aldergrove Regional Park off-leash area


Well, here we go again. The parks department has installed a drinking facility for pets in the Aldergrove Regional Park off-leash area, and in the course of work the installation crew damaged a large portion of the grass. The repair solution? Cover it with gravel again, reducing the grass areas.

Further, there is a sunken area close to the fountain that has not dried up in two years also reducing the park area. The water supply to the fountain crosses the creek in the area, so hopefully the provincial Fish and Wildlife department have given the go ahead for this crossing in such a highly sensitive area.

It is apparent that there was no consultation with the users of this facility, and maintenance and clean up has deteriorated exponentially.

If I was one to harbour suspicions I would conclude the parks department is on a course of destruction, leading to the closing of this facility. I know not what the mandate is for this facility but destruction is ongoing.

I use this park on a daily basis and if it is closed what will be my dog walking options?

Terry Brenan, Aldergrove