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Heroes in the sky - fighting BC wildfires from the air

Heroes in the sky - fighting BC wildfires from the air

With all those helicopters in the air at once, and no radio control tower equipped with radar to track them, communication becomes key in keeping pilots safe.
Manning Park full when fire breaks out over long weekend

Manning Park full when fire breaks out over long weekend

Blaze may have been human caused
B.C. judge loses robes, and two left shoes

B.C. judge loses robes, and two left shoes

“Some people will steal anything,” says a Princeton judge
Car calls 911 on possible impaired B.C. driver

Car calls 911 on possible impaired B.C. driver

A luxury car automatically calls Princeton police to scene of crash involving alcohol
BC mental health clubhouse - paired with shooting range - shuts down in less than a week

BC mental health clubhouse - paired with shooting range - shuts down in less than a week

Health authority does about-face after unrelated $628k fine from WorkSafeBC
2 fatalities and 1 serious injury mar vacation season in B.C. resort town

2 fatalities and 1 serious injury mar vacation season in B.C. resort town

Man airlifted after dirt bike crash near home of the “weekend warriors”
B.C. librarian surprised by superstar seat mate

B.C. librarian surprised by superstar seat mate

Climbing a stairway to a British Airways passenger jet
B.C. man killed when dirt bike crashes head on with truck

B.C. man killed when dirt bike crashes head on with truck

Accident is the second long weekend fatality in town known for its “weekend warriors”
Top small-town B.C. grad headed to university at 16 years old

Top small-town B.C. grad headed to university at 16 years old

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.”
Reports of explosion in Okanagan turn out to be squirrel vs. power line

Reports of explosion in Okanagan turn out to be squirrel vs. power line

The noise was described as ‘similar to a shotgun blast’ that shook the Earth