It's been an exciting week what with hockey playoffs and the royal wedding, the wedding of the century they call it. Now it's on to other things.
The Aldergrove OAP Hall is quite a busy place with cribbage on Mondays, dances on Saturday afternoons, bridge on Friday nights, carpet bowling on Thursdays, and on the first Friday of the month is the OAP general meeting at 1:30 p.m.
Winners from last Friday's bridge club were Rose Mardshall with the high score of 6430, Fran Colebank second with 6070, and Audrey Fawkes had a score of 6370 for third place.
Carpet bowling was somewhat disappointing as only 10 came to play and two of these were visitors from Winnipeg. Where are all our regulars? Perhaps Easter feasting got them down? We'll soon be closing down for the summer break so hurry on down, we need your support.
At the OAP Hal on Saturday the Aldergrove Art Club held their annual spring exhibit and sale. It was a perfect opportunity to find a painting, piece of pottery or gift card for Mother's day.
At the Aldergrove Veterans and Seniors Club, the usual delicious dinners are provided by our cook, Scott. Drop in and check out the menu yourself, you'll like it.
The summer sale is coming up and no doubt you are spring cleaning. If by chance you are wanting to downsize bring your items in for the upcoming club sale.
The Easter hat contest at the club was a success. Lou Martin got first prize for her hat and Flo Berg came second. Some excellent photos were taken and are on display.
The first day of May was just too good to be true but the rains have sure been coming down since.
I hope you all got out to vote. It is your right so be sure to exercise it every opportunity you get.
Here's a story about three guys talking in a pub. Two were bragging about the control they had over their wives and they turned to the third guy and asked what measures he'd taken.
"I'll tell you," he replied, "the other night my wife came to me on her hands and knees."
"What happened then?" they asked.
"She said, 'Come out from under the bed and fight like a man.'"