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Child care unaffordable for too many families

Speaking as one of the "activists" as described with obvious derision by Fletcher, I would like to add to the discussion on child poverty.


Re: Tom Fletcher's article Nov 29, "Poverty of politics continues."

Speaking as one of the "activists" as described with obvious derision by Fletcher, I would like to add something to the discussion on child poverty.

Most reasonable people are well aware that families with young children, all across B.C., are facing huge challenges because of high fees for daycare spaces, too few quality licensed daycare spaces and poverty level wages paid to the mostly women working in daycare.

Fees have now reached $1,915 per month, per child, in some places. The reality is that many mothers want to move off income assistance or go back to school to move out of a low paying job. But until we have a child care system that won't happen.

That is why thousands of parents and grandparents from around the province, along with municipal governments, school boards, labour groups, business and academics are all calling for the $10/day Child Care Plan to be implemented in B.C. See for more information and to add your support.

Sharon Gregson, Aldergrove

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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