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Langley Township residents asked to help with community survey

More participants will help to make the survey better reflect opinions of Langley Township residents.

Editor: The members of the Community Participation, Infrastructure and Environment (CPIE) Advisory Committee for the Township of Langley received the mayor and council’s approval to conduct a short survey on the state of community engagement experienced by Township residents. The survey is brief, your answers anonymous, and your participation, as Township residents, is vital to the ultimate success of the project.

Our committee’s ability to provide effective recommendations on how best to improve methods of community participation to future councils rests upon the information this survey will gather. We cannot do our best for the community without your help.

What does community participation mean to you? What are your suggestions regarding effective methods of facilitating meaningful engagement? How do you prefer to receive communication or notice of opportunities to participate in Township activities? Share your answers to these questions and more by visiting on the Township website, and following the link in the Current News and Initiatives section to the Resident Engagement Survey, offered online through the Fluid Survey platform.

Would you like to help us distribute this survey? We would like to reach as many residents as possible, across all interest groups, demographics, and areas of the Township. Without your help, this too will not be possible. Having community groups distribute the link by including it in their newsletters, as LEPS has so kindly done, is one excellent way to assist. Share it on your Facebook page, Twitter feed, blog, or similar platform. If you do not have access to the internet, or would like to participate in this survey and are not otherwise able to do so electronically, please call 778-683-6469 so we can accommodate all who wish to participate.

Again, we should all have a role to play in the development of our community. Please share your ideas, opinions and experiences regarding community participation in the Township by completing the brief, but important Resident Engagement Survey currently available online at:

Successful community building is possible only with active community participation. Please join us in actively participating.

Celeste Paley,

CPIE Committee Member