Dear Editor
Why is a carbon budget necessary?
Why is the Langley Township council pursuing reduction of CO2 with an unnecessary expensive carbon budget?
First of all we need to understand that CO2 is not a pollutant. It is one of the most important gases and nutrient essential for life on earth.
The scientific community has many renown honest scientists who believe the demonization of CO2 has been a false premise from the onset and that more CO2 is beneficial. (Unfortunately these scientists get attacked by the unscrupulous ones and their followers.)
The obvious example of proof is staring us right in the face. All greenhouses have to add CO2 by a factor of three to four times to grow healthy plants. These plants grow stronger root systems, grow twice as fast and use less water.
More CO2 reduces the need for fertilizers and increases drought resistance survivability to all plants on earth.
Atmospheric CO2 levels currently at approximately 400 ppm (parts per million) are not high at all considering earths geologic history where it was 10-plus times higher.
The majority of atmospheric warming from CO2 peaked long ago so adding a little more creates minimal warming but is worth the benefits.
Analogy: Once you have painted the barn red, how much redder will it get by adding more layers of paint?
There is no atmospheric maximum CO2 level of human health concern.
For perspective, consider these examples:
- Full meeting rooms commonly have CO2 levels in the range of 1,200 to 2,000 ppm. Our CO2 exhale breath is about 40,000 ppm or 100 times higher than we inhale.
- Submarines (enclosed spaces) designed for 5,000 ppm (12.5 x more). (Tested at 15,000 ppm, 37.5 x more with negligible effect).
The crisis should be that we are perilously closer to having too little CO2 as at 150 ppm plants on earth cannot survive and neither could we.
I think our council members and planners owe it to us taxpayers to learn more about this issue and consider the other side of the argument.
We should not be making policy influenced by the emotions of green activist group think and climate hysteria.
In order for our survival and to green the planet, we need to understand the benefits of CO2.
We should focus on actual eco problems, like how to clean up massive amounts of PV solar panel plastic pollution.
Here is a good learning compilation with references by writer Gary Bernstein.
Roland Seguin, Langley